Future of Volunteering in Sport EventsHow can we attract and retain volunteers of all ages for sports events, by creating memorable volunteering experiences and by fostering a strong sense of community?
Athlete Education 4.0How can we help elite athletes who work part-time to have access to an agile and tailored education solution?
Youth Sports SafetyHow might we improve the protection and safeguarding of children in sports federations?
Return to PlayComment pourrions-nous aider les professionnels du médical à mieux objectiver le retour au sport des joueurs ayant subi une commotion cérébrale?
Web3 for Sport DataWhat will be the impact of these new paradigms on the different stakeholders in sport, with a particular focus on “open” and “user-owned »? What are the strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats and how can potential risks be mitigated?
Sport, Human Rights & LeadershipHow can actors in the sport ecosystem support a new generation of sports leaders committed to sustainability in not just changing practices and mitigating risks, but changing the culture of sport to ensure people are always central?
SportsTech EducationHow can modern sports use digital opportunities for learning and teaching in Physical Education (PE) and sports?
Data for SustainabilityWhat are the difficulties encountered in collecting, processing and visualising data to monitor and assess the sustainability of a sports event?
Swiss Sport HistoryHow can the cultural and historical heritage of Swiss sport be preserved in the digital age?
Event Collective KnowledgeComment pouvons-nous faire cohabiter la Fête dans la ville et avec ses habitants et le transférer de manière durable dans la ville en matière de pratique sportive et d’usage?
Data & Team SportsWhat factors (physical, behavioral, psychological, etc.) contribute to the collective performance of a team and how can we quantify them?
MyPhysio@HomeComment concevoir et mettre en œuvre une approche à distance basée sur le biofeedback et la gamification en collaboration avec les parties prenantes à utiliser dans leur pratique / vie quotidienne?
Major Sport EventHow can we manage energy supplies, IT networks and mobile phones to absorb peaks in demand without oversizing?
Data & Fan EngagementQuel type de contenu intéresse les fans mais aussi le nouveau public et comment le rendre plus attractif?
Health CityComment encourager une population urbaine à bouger davantage en intégrant l’activité physique dans ses déplacements quotidiens?