
Lots of academics, organisations, startups, established companies and other individuals were involved in making the Innovation Booster – Sport & Physical Activity and the different challenges a success.
Meet some of them on this page and listen what they have to say.

A warm thank you to all of them for their dedication and smart inputs!

La rencontre de différents acteurs et intervenants est primordiale lors de l’étude d’un projet. Cette phase doit être organisée en amont pour permettre de mieux comprendre les attentes et besoins de chacun.e tout en mettant en exergue les différentes problématiques. 

Fabio Jimenez · CEO @ ABF Swiss Agency & Concepteur @ Urban Skate

Being part of this NTN Innovation Booster is an exciting process. The meeting of various practitioners of different business sectors and different public actors as well as researchers provides the fruitful grounds to create innovative ideas. The transfer of these ideas into practice is the next step in this process I am looking forward too.

Andreas Christoph Weber · Deputy Head of Division of Sports Economics @ Federal Office of Sport FOSPO

The NTN-IB was an excellent opportunity for athletes, sports organizations, researchers, and clinicians to exchange about the challenges of concussions. The discussions and ideas from the three ideation sessions, led by ThinkSport, paved the way for new research projects and productive collaborations.

Mathieu Falbriard · CEO @ Bearmind SA

The NTN Innovation Booster was a great collaborative experience and it was impressive to see what a group of smart people can bring together.

Diego Züger · Director Marketing & Deputy CEO @ Swiss-Ski

Le Innovation Booster Sport&Activité physique est une excellente plateforme pour réunir des acteurs d’horizons différents mais ayant un objectif commun : rendre le monde plus actif et en meilleure santé. Merci pour cet espace stimulant et créatif, permettant de rêver le monde de demain.

Vincent Peclet · Responsable unité Activité physique @ Unisanté