

SRC (sport-related concussion), a major problem in contact sports, is described as a craniocerebral trauma. The highest incidence occurs in football, hockey, rugby, soccer and basketball, for both the elite and amateur athlete, adult or child.

The most common symptoms are headache (94.7%), dizziness (74.8%) and difficulty concentrating (68%). The natural course of CRS is unknown at this time, there is also little epidemiological data regarding return to sport and long-term sequelae. In addition, as many as 50% of the concussions may go unreported. Indeed, symptoms and signs of concussion may be difficult to detect and may not be noticed for days or months after the injury.

This lack of solution to correctly diagnose SRC is a real danger for the athlete who takes the risk of aggravating his condition by continuing to practice sport instead of resting.


Based on these observations, different questions were raised and needed to be answered:

  • How can the proposed technology be integrated into a solution for a specific sport?
  • In what form (denture, helmet etc.) should the system be integrated to have a good level of acceptance while keeping the necessary medical accuracy?
  • Through which channel should the solution be distributed to the athletes (athletes themselves, clubs, equipment manufacturer, etc.) and what is the financial mechanism to cover the costs?
  • How can we extend the technology to other sports?


Theme Leader

Test phase results

A pre-study was carried out by Gait Up SA in order to estimate the feasibility, costs and deadlines for producing the sensors following the COVID-19 pandemic and the shortage of electronic
component. Then a design was made by Guberan Studio in order to adapt to the helmets of the different sports.
